
Wildernets Wildernets

Created in collaboration with Sonali Sridhar and Mouna Andraos Wildernets are portable crochet structures that create experiences of wilderness in public spaces.


A new twist on the trend of rediscovering nature, Wildernets, large scale crochet nets with embedded electronics, can be deployed in various settings, bringing the experiences of the forest, trees, birds and night skies to any environment. Wildernets transform the physical configuration and social dimensions of an urban space by overlaying a synthesized “natural” environment.

Wildernets recall a natural space not available to the city dweller, alluding to a rural experience in any setting; interrupting the architecture and the pedestrian to create an improvised experience in collective action, social intervention and DIY technology.

Wildernets fit in a backpack and can be recharged through solar power during the day for the full sound and light experience from dusk to dawn.

Click on the image or here for more images and video of Wildernets.


Presented at the 2008 Conflux Festival NYC, at Park(ing) Day Redux NYC at Eyebeam, and at [ESC] NYC